The Influencers: Leeann Watson

We’re celebrating Canterbury business champions! Kei te whakanui tātou i ngā pakihi kairangi o Waitaha!
While the last few months have been challenging, we have also heard some amazing stories of innovation, nimbleness, determination, collaboration and kindness, so we wanted to provide a platform to share those stories.
That’s why Westpac and The Chamber are so excited to bring you our new Canterbury Business Champions campaign.
Your business champion could be your own team that has introduced a new wellbeing initiative or new product or service, or another a business you work with that has innovated to make the most of a market opportunity. It might even be a shout-out to a local business operator who provides a great customer experience.
From great feats to small tokens – whatever you think makes a business champion – we
want to hear from you.
Share your story – tohaina mai ōu kōrero – visit www.canterburybusinesschampions.com.
All individuals who share a story will go in the draw to win one of three advertising vouchers, worth $5000 each, from Mediaworks and The Press or one of three $1000 Air New Zealand Travel Vouchers.
Thanks to: Lead Partner Westpac, Creative Partner Harvey Cameron Group, Radio Partner Mediaworks, Print Partner The Press and Channel Partner ChristchurchNZ; Campaign Partners Christchurch City Council, and Lyttelton Port Company; and Campaign Supporters Kordia PLC, Christchurch Casino, Air New Zealand, and Export New Zealand Canterbury.
The campaign runs until November 6, so get in quick! Together, let’s celebrate and champion our local businesses and businesspeople. We’re all in this together — he waka eke noa.