Technical competence: Moore Construction
The vision for Christchurch’s changing skyline has needed contributions from many different areas of expertise to start to bring it to reality. Moore Construction is one such company with its focused technical competence in earthmoving and pile driving.
Invariably the first contractor on a site to prepare the ground for the subsequent construction, Moore Construction has a reputation for being well-equipped to take on complex projects. “A recently finished project at Christchurch Hospital for a bridge linking the old and new parts of the hospital, involved installing screw pile to a depth of 24m into Riccarton Gravels,” says General Manager Nathan Moore. “Our hard working and technically experienced team saw this project through multiple site restraints and complexities to a safe completion.”
Another piling project in the CBD was on St Asaph Street for a new commercial building. Here seven days of work saw 24 screw piles installed to 13.5 metres. “With surrounding existing buildings restricting the amount of space for our work on the site and a strict programme, the results are a credit to our team.”
Moore Construction constantly looks to expand its resources to provide services for their clients. “A recent acquisition is a compact directional drill from Italy, a light unit ideal for drilling soak holes and retaining walls for residential or commercial buildings.” Versatility is definitely the by-word with this company.
You can contact Moore Construction on 027 549 9670 or email nathan@mooreconstruction.co.nz.