Springtime home lending: Mylend

It’s the beautiful time of year when the blossoms are blooming, flowers smell amazing, and everything is so green that it’s impossible not to be in a good mood.

Home lending often reflects the seasons too. People are more excited to sell their home and take the plunge when the surroundings are prettier. It just prompts a little more urgency before the summer kicks in.

We have seen a huge uptake in lending enquiries in the past four weeks. People seem to be excited about the potential for change, and the lower interest rates to go with it.


The OCR dropping to 4.75% has really added another layer of excitement to interest rates, the banks are really starting to compete with one another. Fixing for six months to one year is still a popular timeframe, so that people can continue to budget and know how to allocate their money. We are still seeing those interest rates continue to dip, so here’s hoping that we will see this trend for a long while yet.

It’s also a good time to be looking at your home lending, purely to see if it still fits your budget, Can you pay a little more? Is there room for extra lending to finally do those improvements around the house? Maybe now is the right time to consider buying an investment property?

You have so many choices with finance when you know how to access it. Treat your home lending like spring cleaning. Give it all a good clean and tidy up.

It’s never too late to have a refresh and a good look over your household bills. Are your insurances all in place? Do they still fit your needs? There is plenty to consider.

We prompt these conversations whenever we discuss home lending with you. There’s still plenty of time before the Christmas rush begins, so give us a call today, it’s a step in the right financial direction.


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