Something to celebrate: Peter Townsend, Chair of Te Papa Hauora Health Precinct
Te Papa Hauora Christchurch Health Precinct celebrates its 10 year anniversary in May 2024.

From an inspired vision post-earthquake, the Precinct officially came into being in May 2014, as one of the first of 18 anchor projects to get underway.
It took considerable courage by the founding stakeholders to embrace a new way of collaborating in the delivery of health education, research, and innovation.
Their courage, commitment and conviction has resulted in a unique capability in Christchurch.
Nowhere else in Aotearoa New Zealand has the level of cooperation between key tertiary education institutions, health providers and mana whenua evolved as it has here.
Te Papa Hauora is enabling communication, facilitation, and innovation across the local health ecosystem, that in many instances would not otherwise be happening.
There is still a long way to go in the continuing joint pursuit of improving health and wellbeing outcomes for our communities, but we can be proud of the unique contribution Te Papa Hauora continues to make.