Silver linings
There’s been a lot of darkness in the world recently and sometimes it can be hard to find the good in things. No-one one saw COVID-19 coming, but we have learned to adapt and live with it. This is the perfect time to remember every cloud has a silver lining.
A MUCH-NEEDED BREAK: While many of us were isolated at home and unable to travel, Mother Nature got a well – deserved holiday. Air pollution levels in China are down, the canals in Venice are cleaner than ever and some wildlife have made a welcome return!
WFH NOW A THING! Working from home – or WFH as it’s now being called – has had a massive push in the right direction and employers and workplaces have been forced to adapt. Here’s to more flexible workplaces in the future!
FROM OUR BUBBLE TO YOURS: Ironically with everyone in their own bubbles and separated from each other, there’s never been more of a sense of closeness. It’s been a time of connections – old friends, new ones or even a new community.
CLEANLINESS MADE COOL: One of the best ways to preventing the virus is by washing your hands. There’s definitely nothing wrong with having a little bit more of that around.
YOU KNOW HOW TO WHAT? A month in isolation can drive some up the wall and drive some to try something totally out of the ordinary! Learnt a new language, how to juggle or perhaps you’ve tried your hand at ventriloquy? We’re looking forward to hearing about everyone’s creative new talents!