Secrets to skincare

The beauty industry is booming, and full of an overwhelming amount of advice and claims on how to achieve flawless, smooth and wrinkle-free skin. Educating yourself on what ingredients, products and techniques work for your skin is the very best tool you can have. Here are a few to consider.

Vitamin C

The ingredient synonymous with oranges, vitamin C is a powerhouse addition to your skincare routine. It has unrivalled brightening capabilities that can help with hyperpigmentation. A powerful antioxidant, vitamin C not only counteracts harmful damage from external aggressors like pollution and smog, it protects against them too.


Championed for its wrinkle-reducing and texture-improving properties, retinol is regarded as one of the most effective anti-ageing skincare ingredients available. It works hard to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, boost the skin’s elasticity and improve the appearance of pores and pigmentation. Retinol is a vitamin A derivative that’s available in different strengths. If you are new to retinol, it is best to ease it into your routine slowly, only using it once or twice a week and alongside skincare containing niacinamide, ceramides, and antioxidants.


When you go to sleep, your skin is in repair and renewal mode. It works to repair any damage from the day and boost its natural functions, such as collagen and elastin production. Using nighttime to assist your skin in regenerating is where your skincare comes in. Products such as glycolic acid and lactic acid are great to help your skin’s natural exfoliation processes remove dead skin cells and congestion. Vitamin A retinoids are also good for promoting skin renewal and collagen production. Serums and moisturisers rich in vitamins, ceramides and humectants like hyaluronic acid are also great to layer on at night to replenish moisture stores.

Neck care

Skincare should be used down your neck for a few reasons. The skin on our neck is thinner and more delicate than the skin on our face, so needs to be taken care of. With all of the movement and stretching your neck does every day, the skin around this area can be more prone to deeper wrinkles. Your usual face creams can be extended beyond your jawline and down your neck and decolletage, although there are specifically formulated products for a more targeted approach to this area. Hard-working ingredients like sunscreen, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and retinol are all equally beneficial for neck skincare.

Jade rollers

A tool that has been popping up more and more in the beauty and skincare industry, jade-rollers stem from gua sha. A time-honoured tool that is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and has been around for thousands of years, gua sha is used to promote healing in the body and remove energy blockages. When used correctly on the face, jade rollers can promote blood circulation and encourage lymphatic drainage, which eliminates fluid build-up and reduces puffiness. It might just become your new best friend for those puffy-faced, sleepy mornings.

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