Realistic resolutions

New Year, New You: the slogan that has long since become a cliché, encouraging us to completely rebuild ourselves into better versions each year.

While growing as individuals is important, the pressure this puts on us to manufacture motivation is simply unattainable.

Setting resolutions has strayed from its purpose in our lives, becoming a yearly ritual of nitpicking our flaws and insecurities. We set unrealistic goals to eat healthier, exercise more, and work harder, without giving ourselves the time to achieve this, and then fall into a slump of self-loathing year after year from these unreachable goals.

We’ve all heard the term SMART goals, but the truth is setting goals that don’t align with those requirements can be highly detrimental to our confidence and mental well-being.

By setting attainable goals, it’s easier for them to become a sustainable part of your life, and turn into habits.

Setting SMART goals:

Specific: ask yourself how you will achieve your goal, and consider your responsibility
Measurable: ensure your goal is trackable, using numbers is a good way to start
Achievable: consider not reaching for the moon here, start with smaller steps
Relevant: is your goal beneficial to your well-being, or will it add stress and pressure
Timely: what’s your timeframe, does it allow enough time within your routine dedicated to your goal?

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