Protein powder, delicious ideas

Many people use a protein powder or supplement as a part of their diet, and not just those wanting to build muscle.

Protein powder can be one way to keep you full for longer, up your daily protein intake or assist with weight loss or other fitness goals. While you can just shake them up with water or milk, or add to a smoothie, there are some more interesting and delicious ways to use protein powder. Here are a few suggestions.

Bliss balls
A healthy raw treat, bliss balls are perfect to have on hand for that afternoon energy dip. Usually made with blitzed-up nuts and seeds, you can add a scoop of protein powder to give the snack more sustenance. Just make sure to adjust the liquid amount, as it will make a drier mixture.

Yoghurt boost
Mix in a scoop of protein to your yoghurt for an extra boost. You can mix and match flavours, for example a vanilla protein powder with berry yoghurt makes the perfect sweet treat or light breakfast. Have by itself or top with fresh fruit or granola.

Caffeine always
Try adding a scoop of protein powder to your milk of choice before making your iced coffee. This will thicken up the texture, almost like a frappe. There are options for coffee or chocolate-flavoured protein powders, making a great addition to your morning iced latte or mocha.

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