Metropol Inspire: Cold weather & connections

Cold weather calls for cocooning up inside. It’s nice to be cosy and warm, yet this can have a negative impact on our social wellbeing. Studies show that cold temperatures can often bring notions of detachment from our social support networks. We tend to favour staying inside over attending events, catching up with friends and family, and making new connections.

This can induce feelings of loneliness and isolation, and we may recoil even more. It can be a worry, if the winter blues have you feeling low already. During these times, encourage yourself to deflect the desire to hibernate, and instead make plans to spend time with the people who boost you up.

Avoid the stop at hibernation station

  • Share a meal: put something warm and indulgent on the menu and invite your best friends around, or the whole family. Reconnect, tell your latest stories, and dine on a homemade meal.
  • Host an indoor fitness class: uplift your social and physical wellbeing by combining exercise with connections. Pull on your favourite activewear, roll out the yoga mat, and follow an online class or make your own. A commitment to physical activity also tackles the sedentary habits that can become the ‘new normal’ in the colder months.
  • Become an indoors tourist: think about that museum, gallery, or local boutique you never have time to visit. Call on a friend or three, and take yourselves on an indoor tour.

Reason for the season: Chris & Margi

Chris and Margi of Inspiring Me Women

How in the world are we supposed to remain motivated to embrace the cold days of winter?

Easy: eat, drink, breathe, sleep repeat. Exercise, move, dance, groove, repeat. There is a science to staying motivated during winter and it’s important. It’s the science of creating a supportive environment around us.

Just as the garden city goes into winter dormancy, so do we, in our own way. It is time to slow down, to get enough sleep, move our body and minds, and stay connected.

Embracing cold, frosty mornings can be tough, but doing it with a smile encourages a positive outlook on the day ahead.If we are being honest, we enjoy winter more for the fashion than the cold. Research shows that combatting winter blues can enhance our health, so there’s nothing better than stepping out in stylish boots and cosy coats—or your favourite activewear, complete with thermals underneath.

From us to you ‘dearest gentle reader’, (straight from the Bridgerton series), snuggle up with someone special, enjoy cocktails with fabulous friends, relax with a movie or televison series, and embrace the season. No winter blues to be seen here. For more inspired advice, we will see you at breakfast on 27 August 2024. For more details, visit our website, 

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