Mason Reed: The Influencers

It’s hard to believe that it is Christmas time and as always, I realise that the year has once again flown past. I always look forward to Christmas because it is a time when we can spend more time with our friends and family. As a business owner, it is also a good time to step back and to reflect on the business year, in particular to revisit the goals that we set ourselves at the beginning of the year.
It is easy, when we are busy, to fall into the trap of working in the business rather than working on the business. Having a break gives us the opportunity to step back from the business and to have a critical look at it. This coming year is shaping to be another busy one for Fraser Thomas Ltd. We are moving into our new offices, which will be more suitable for our expanding workforce. We are working with some inspirational clients, who are challenging our engineering ingenuity and will ensure that we are exposed to some exciting engineering challenges next year.
That being said, next year my goal is to try and make more time in my busy schedule, to ensure that I have more time for my wife and kids and also for myself. Success in business typically takes a lot of time and effort, but we also need to try and prioritise working on ourselves, in order to enable us to maintain our health and focus (which ultimately will help to improve our businesses).