Makeup on the run

Mastering minimal makeup for a day of golf, tennis, hockey, or any exercise session, is tricky business.

The last thing you want is to feel heavy and clogged up, but you also don’t want to feel less beautiful than any other day. Plus, a day on the golf course can end with a few drinks, or pilates with a coffee date afterwards, so it’s nice to be prepared, and not feel like a complete sweaty mess.

Staring at yourself through hundreds of mirrors in a fitness class or gym, or through social sports when someone is always snapping a photo, you feel like you need to look your best. If you’re confident enough, it’s best to avoid makeup altogether when getting a sweat on. Exercise causes your heart rate and circulation to increase, and your sweat glands work to cool your skin down. This rids the skin of dirt and toxins like a detox, so makeup on the skin stops this process from happening, leading to blocked pores and breakouts.

Feel put together by focusing on three features: eyebrows, eyes, and lips. Using a brow gel, brush upwards and let the gel set them in place. This acts as an instant ‘facelift’, framing the face nicely. Move on to the eyes, where a waterproof mascara will steer you in the right direction, brightening your appearance. Opt for a light, neutral or tinted gloss for the lips to hydrate and plump without that heavy feeling.

If you need an extra layer, invest in a good quality tinted sunscreen, or add some colour through a light bronzer or blush, leaving as much of your skin bare as possible. Be careful not to overdo it – chances are you will gain a sweat ‘glow’ anyway.

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