Lynley Dodd’s legacy

One of New Zealand’s favourite children’s book writers, Dame Lynley Dodd DNZM, is gifting budding children’s writers the same gift that gave her a leg up.

The $30,000 Lynley Dodd Children’s Writers Award was inspired by a similar pivotal moment where a financial gift enabled Lynley to continue writing and make her name. She hopes to replicate that support, “The Bursary I received in the late 1970s gave me the vote of confidence I needed at just the right moment. I have always felt immensely grateful for such a life-changing piece of luck. Knowing what the win did for me, I have always thought how marvellous it would be to be able to do the same for another writer. At last, I have the opportunity to realise my dream.”

The award will go towards an author, annually, with an established identity in children’s literature and who demonstrates richness, range, and depth in their writing.

The inaugural recipient is Whangarei-based children’s writer Janine Williams (J.L. Williams), who says it “will be life-changing”.

This act of generosity puts the Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi in a great position to annually recognise creators of children’s literature. Kaiwhakahaere/General Manager Jessica Palalagi says the backing “directly supports artists who do the crucial work of telling our stories to our tamariki across generations.”

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