Inspiring others
“Your value will be not what you know; it will be what you share.” Ginni Rometty.
This quote proved inspirational for Christine (Chris) Korako, pictured, who now shares her knowledge to inspire others.
H er inspiration comes from anything “that gives me ideas, energy and positive emotion”.
“People inspire me, particularly those who achieve something against all odds, or have the courage to step out of their comfort zone. I have just read The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates about the women who have inspired her –
yes, I was very inspired after that read,” she says.
The quote Chris was drawn to led to her and Margie Foster starting the Inspired Events organisation in Christchurch.
“I had been thinking for some time of creating a space and opportunity for women to network socialise and share information, a trusted community of women,” she explains.
“The stars aligned when Margie and I caught up, and shared our vision for what became Inspired Events – Inspiring Me Now.
“We started it as a welcoming space for women to grow their network, share personal stories and expertise, as well as hear from amazing local speakers within the walls of a gorgeous private club or larger event space.
“To this day we still work to that model. For us, it’s like inviting someone int
o our own homes – manaakitanga.”
The mother of four grown sons, and wife of retired National MP Nuk Korako, Chris has a long and strong business career, and directorships, including Chair of a $600m+ Foundation. She has always been positive.
“I think I was born with the positive gene, it has been my guiding light throughout my life. For me, positivity is all about mind-set, surrounding myself with good people, and of course my whanau and friends. I see the absolute best in everyone and everything, until proven otherwise.”
One of Chris’ role models is her late mother Lily, who she lost to cancer while in her early 30s.
“She was highly intelligent and artistic, with the ability to see the best and beauty in everything. Mum had enormous inner strength and a can-do attitude that radiated an outward love for life and adventure.
“She was my positive gene.”
Chris’ advice to other women is to value their uniqueness. “Set your goals early in the year, not a shopping list, but a clear set of goals.
“Find a community of women you can spend time with, both face-to-face, and virtual, who will challenge and inspire you. My final tip is to become one of our inspiring women.”
Visit www.inspiringmenow.com