Humble living


Being humble means having humility, upholding modesty, and living without an ego.

By no means is it achieving less, or performing poorly. What if you were to embrace this concept in your home?

Humble living embodies the meaning of the word: creating a concept of décor and styling within your home that is genuine, meaningful, and no less beautiful. It is something I find increasingly front of mind as I continue to decorate my own home.

Just as in fashion, sometimes it feels like there is a new trend in homewares each week. It can be overwhelming to know which styles and designs you truly love, and which are going to look out of place. So, before you jump into the latest homewares hitting shelves, be it Art Deco or minimalist décor, consider if such a style can exist in your home naturally. Creating a space that is grand in a quiet way is a hard skill to master, sometimes it takes time to gather all the pieces that make your home what it is.

Don’t overthink it
Utilise your space, collecting artwork and décor that suits the energy your home has, instead of trying to make each piece fit your home. For some, less is not best. Consider sustainability, and how you can make choices that benefit the environment in your own way. Most of the time, the pieces about your home should ‘work’. If you find yourself buying new pieces to suit another or an onerous amount of time styling them,it may be time to step back and wait for the things you love to jump out at you.

Invest in your personal style
Avoid trends, unless it was something you loved before it became trendy. If something catches your eye online or when visiting someone else, give it time before rushing to the store. When taken out of an environment of complete cohesion, would that piece still look as beautiful? Go for quality over quantity, purchasing pieces here and there that will stand the test of time, both in appearance and craftsmanship.

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