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Buyers take control

Turbulence has again hit the property market, this time shifting in the favour of buyers. Residential real estate resale performance has deteriorated in the first quarter of 2024, according to CoreLogic’s latest Pain & Gain report. Stretched affordability and high mortgage rates are the likely cause, the report says, as increased house listings put pricing […]

Maximising curb appeal: Garador

Desirable homes rely heavily on an excellent view from the street, and the humble garage door forms a key part of many a Kiwi home’s façade. It detracts from the market value if it looks tired or makes a racket when raised. Abeautiful garage door can lift a property, tying in with the style and […]

A stellar storyteller: Toni Street

Toni’s is a story of heartbreak and hope, as she puts it when describing her book, Lost and Found. It was the same sentiment, interspersed with her ‘bookwormish’ charm, echoing through the room when she held Toni’s Book Club in Christchurch earlier this year. Metropol Deputy Editor Nina Tucker finds out more. Discussing the tragic […]

Bringing men’s health into focus

With the harrowing statistics of men’s health in New Zealand, there is no better time than Men’s Health Week, 10-16 June, to advocate for better outcomes. Men sit on the bottom half of most health statistics in New Zealand. They are 20% more likely than women to die prematurely from heart disease or diabetes, three […]

Visit Canterbury’s most beautiful Superhomes: Superhome Movement

Thinking of building or renovating? Take a peek inside some of New Zealand’s most thoughtfully designed and sustainable homes at this year’s Superhome Tour. This year’s Superhome Tour will take place on Saturday 20th July, featuring an array of super sustainable, energy-efficient and healthy homes. It gives you the chance to experience leading-edge design ideas […]