about me



Your property investing hub: Canterbury Property Investors Association

Getting together with like-minded people stimulates ideas, creativity, projects, and even partnerships leading to successful ventures, such as in property investment. Canterbury Property Investors Association (CPIA) was the first of its kind, established in New Zealand in 1971.  An independent property investing hub, the CPIA was set up to promote and represent the common interests […]

Pretzel crack

This sweet snack is naughtily moreish. Quick, easy, with minimal ingredients, pretzel crack has become a staple in our household. Now, it is our go-to when we’re craving something sweet. Wrap it up in cellophane with a ribbon, it’s perfect for a token of appreciation or a delicate gift, too. Not only is this a […]

A grand garden: Grow Landscapes & Lifestyle

Create an ambience and the garden of your dreams with fountains and gorgeous garden art from Grow Landscapes & Lifestyle. The gentle murmur of trickling water and elegant art sculpt a serene atmosphere for winter evenings, whether you’re admiring from your window or outside enjoying it. This is where a water feature takes centre stage. […]

Showcasing our future: ChristchurchNZ CEO Alison Adams

One week, three events, infinite ideas and opportunity, that’s Innovate Ōtautahi in a nutshell. That’s not wishful thinking, we’ve transformed into a modern city with a thriving ecosystem of businesses and innovators. Alison Adams, CEO ChristchurchNZ Last year Innovate Ōtautahi brought together over 9000 delegates, whānau, educators, exhibitors, and speakers. The convergence of ideas, sectors and […]

Happiness starts here: Lynn Woods

“When I shop, the world gets better – is better,” said fictional journalist Rebecca Bloomwood in the film Confessions of a Shopaholic. Women the world over knew exactly what she meant. Shopping is more than retail therapy. It is the thrill of the chase, the triumph of victory. Becky Dennison of clothing boutique Lynn Woods […]