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On vacation every day: Lockwood Homes

Owning a Kiwi bach is an ongoing dream for many, although thousands have already taken the plunge, spending weekends relaxing in their own, or a hired, home away from home. Concurrent with recent changes in building regulations and a deeper focus on sustainability, have come several noticeable, quite substantial shifts in buyer wishlists.  Amongst these […]

Revenue leakage costly

Fleet operators are losing thousands in revenue due to unauthorised discounts, according to data science firm FOYI. According to the company’s analysis, fleet organisations routinely fail to account for all costs when invoicing and provide excessive discounts, leading to significant revenue leakage. “Revenue leakage from poor pricing is rampant for fleet operators but often goes […]

Nice & spicy

Whether you are in love with, or terrified of them, jalapeños are one of the most popular chilli peppers in the world. Experiment with the spicy fruit (yes, peppers are fruit), other than the traditional Mexican favourites, with Metropol’s jalapeños three ways…

Construction cash flow headaches: White Fox & Jones

Is your construction business using the Payment Claim regime to your advantage? Disputes over invoicing disrupt business cashflow and have the potential to derail building projects. The Construction Contracts Act 2002 Payment Claim regime is designed to streamline payments and reduce disputes by use of a “pay now, argue later” system. In essence, Payment Claims […]

Going native

Attracting native birds into your garden may be as easy as planting a few specific tree species, adding a bird bath, and providing the right food. Tui, fantails, kererū, and even kingfishers will visit regularly if garden conditions are right. Many native bird species face extinction, or are already extinct. As urban jungles increase and […]