about me



Jade, quartz, and all sorts

Tightened and sculpted facial features, smoother jowls, reduced stress, depuffed, tightened, and radiant skin. Could these be the results of facial tools? They are like a workout for your face, and they come in handy as we search for anything to brighten and tighten our skin. Gua sha, facial rollers, cryo globes and face massagers […]

Catering with class: Halswell Bakery

No matter what you’re planning; a business meeting, celebration or family gathering, having fresh delicious catering is key. Food is often the star of an event, bringing everyone together and creating joy and chatter among guests. Fortunately for your event, the talented team at Halswell Bakery have your food needs taken care of – they […]

Participate in Pawgust

This August, boost your fitness and the funds needed to support Blind Low Vision NZ Guide Dogs. A fundraising and awareness initiative, Pawgust challenges participants to run or walk, dog alongside or not, every day throughout August. The time spent walking is an opportunity to consider the needs of Guide Dogs and their clients. “Unlike […]

Partner jaunts

Conferences often allow partners to attend, adding on special activities for them to make the most of their time in the host region. Many events will have specific programmes for attendee partners, which they may or may not take advantage of. Christchurch has a huge array of options for visitors, and locals, and because of […]

The location for any pursuit: Riverview Lodge

When conference organising or attending is part of your working life, you know where you go is as important as why you go. Sitting trapped inside a soulless hotel detracts from the positive vibes generated by learning, sharing, and connecting. You seek fresh air and views, an environment where you can relax, clear your head, […]