about me



The Oreo effect

As Coco Chanel said, sometimes the beauty of colour is the absence of it. Well known in a work wardrobe, and easily teamed with luxe accessories for a glam night out, the ways to wear black and white are continual. In patterned shirting and dresses or arranged on top of one another for a bold […]

Feeling your age: Connect Chiropractic

“If you would seek health, look first to the spine.” – Socrates Ageing is an inevitability, yet the rate at which it occurs certainly is not. We all know 40-year-olds who look and function like they’re 60, we all know 60-year-olds who look and function like they’re 40. Why is that? “We are all a […]

Fine footwear specialists: Mikko Men’s

Combining quality, comfortable footwear sourced from leading European shoemakers with local values and a love for their customers, Mikko Shoes is growing as a go-to in the industry. The Mikko team sat down with their founder, Michaela Longstaff, to discuss Mikko Men’s, Christchurch’s newest dedicated men’s footwear retailer, and what’s new for their first winter […]

Shades of silver and grey: V for Hair

When regrowth keeps creeping up on you, you might feel it is time to embrace the grey. Just because you have silver hair coming in, and you want to go grey gracefully, doesn’t mean it has to be a silver colour,” says Vicki Ogden-O’Fee of V for Hair and Beauty. The team are experts in […]

Radical acceptance with Kirsten Ellis

Moving forward is an impossibly heavy task after losing a partner. For Kirsten Ellis, it became the only way out of losing herself to grief. Soon, she would become a business scholarship award-winner and triple her business’ revenue, all while navigating parenthood alone. She tells Metropol Deputy Editor Nina Tucker how. Losing her husband Austin […]