Stuck in ‘fight or flight’ mode? Connect Chiropractic
You have most likely heard of the acute stress response that we call ‘fight or flight’. It is likely you know someone, or you yourself are stuck in this mode. So, what exactly is it and what stimulates it? Why are so many stuck in this state, and what are the repercussions? ‘Fight or flight’ […]
Reasons for optimism: ChristchurchNZ CEO Alison Adams
It can be tempting to get pessimistic in the winter months when ‘cost of living’ and ‘brain drain’ talk is once more in the news cycle. But I’m an optimist, and that is boosted by data that shows Christchurch is avoiding, and in some cases defying, some of the less inspiring headlines we’ve seen recently. […]
Leading the change: Fraemohs Homes
We would all love our homes to retain a continuous comfortable temperature year-round, without breaking the bank in incoming energy bills. Whether we are using energy to heat, cool, or both, it is going to cost money. Built properly, a home’s thermal performance should minimise the need for costly energy use, and reduce carbon footprints. […]
Breaking the silence on men’s pelvic health: Muscle People
In the healthcare field, some topics remain clouded in silence and societal taboos. Men’s pelvic health undoubtedly falls into this category, often overlooked, despite the profound impact such issues can have on quality of life when left unaddressed. Muscle People Physiotherapy aims to help change that with their new men’s pelvic physiotherapy service. The pelvis […]
A better way to build: Ultimate Homes eHaus
The concept of passive housing is soaring to major popularity, proving these homes are becoming the future. Martin Smith and the team at Ultimate Homes are award-winning and hold a well-earned reputation as builders of exceptional new builds. Specialising in new residential homes, they are the only licensed builders of eHaus passive houses in the […]