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Hot stuff

A warm home is vital for your comfort and health. The World Health Organisation recommends a minimum indoor temperature of 18°C, while recommendations for children, older people, and those with chronic illnesses are even higher. From the return of radiators to infra-red wall heaters, and ducted air systems, options are numerous for heating today’s homes, […]

Working with wood

Exotic tree plantings are on the rise in New Zealand, as an increasing number of people ask for more wood in their home designs. From structural timbers to mouldings, hardwood floors to feature walls, kitchen splashbacks to exterior features and cladding, wood has become a must-have in contemporary bespoke homes. Native timbers such as kauri, […]

Fill the shelves: Piccadilly Books

Stop by Piccadilly Books, a store that is celebrating 30 years of supplying booklovers of all ages with literary treasures. The Gardening Book Monty Don Our price $70.00 A genre-defining new book from bestselling author and ‘the nation’s favourite gardener’ Monty Don. A no-nonsense, practical and accessible guide to the fundamentals of gardening for a […]

Waste not, want not: Gordon’s Pickles

Recycle, re-use, re-purpose. In these tight financial times many of us are looking for ways to eliminate waste and to repurpose materials. It is also surprising just what can be put to another use. How many of us are guilty of throwing away the juice or brine from a jar of pickled onions or gherkins? […]

Long term planning: Phil Mauger, Christchurch City Mayor

It has been well reported that our country faces some challenging economic headwinds at the moment. Community groups, businesses, and households are all finding it tough right now. Our council has been hearing this message loud and clear recently as people present their submissions on our draft Long Term Plan. It’s not easy when costs […]