In the city

Christchurch truly comes to life as Cup Week nears and the weather warms up, and there’s no better place to be than in the city. A delightful day is never far away, with no shortage of experiences to enjoy. Host a brunch and head to the shops Gather your guest list and put on a […]

A rainbow of choices

October has two spectacular birthstones, opal and pink tourmaline, both of which come in a range of colours. Opal, as an October birthstone, dates to at least the 15th century, while tourmaline was chosen as a modern alternative in the early 1900s. Both are popular with jewellers, featuring in rings, bracelets, necklaces, ear-rings and pendents. […]

The first place to book your dining: First Table

Now there is a new, faster, and easier way for Christchurch diners to find and book a restaurant. Celebrating 10 years since its inception, the restaurant discovery platform First Table has helped transform the dining scene in New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom, connecting food lovers with incredible dining experiences. Since 2014, the platform […]

Giving life to stone: York Street Gallery

Debbie Templeton-Page’s sculptures seem to have a wairua that yearns to reach out from their solid foundations. Serene faces that could be dreaming death-masks, abstract geometric forms that fluidly shift and turn; and long, elongated figures stretching to the heavens. The Tasmanian-born artist has established herself as a master-sculptor, honing her craft in Canterbury over […]

Editor’s Note: Excitement builds for Cup Week

Every issue of Metropol is special to our team, although often for different reasons. This issue comes out as Christchurch is well down the track gearing up for Cup Week. Deciding content, working with clients, designing and proofing the pages, and finally sending the magazine to the printer, is followed by the excitement of having […]