Health & happiness: Christchurch City Mayor, Phil Mauger

Christmas is just around the corner. Can you believe it! Every year seems to disappear quicker than the last.

Phil Mauger Mayor of Christchurch

As 2023 draws to a close, I can’t help but reflect that there is so much we can be proud of as a city.

I was chuffed to see the figures from ChristchurchNZ which show hundreds of new people arriving each month wanting to call Christchurch home. We’re becoming the place to be.

It’s great to see the city rolling out the Christmas decorations, setting up Christmas shop windows, and putting up fantastic Christmas installations in Cashel Mall and New Regent Street.

December is a busy time for many of us, with a lot to do between now and Christmas Day. It’s a time when we get together and celebrate the year’s end with colleagues and friends, and share the year’s ups and downs before a well-deserved summer break.

If you’re out shopping for gifts for your loved ones, make sure you try and support local businesses where you can and keep in mind it’s the thought that counts.

For those staying around Christchurch over Christmas, be sure to visit some of the great walking tracks around the hills and coastline. We’re very lucky to live in a city that’s so close to nature and all that it offers. I’m looking forward to relaxing with my family and coming back refreshed in the New Year.

Wishing you all good health and happiness over the summer break.


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