Handy home herbs

An indoor herb garden is incredibly useful, whether for adding mint to a mojito, or basil to enhance a pizza. Read on for commonly grown herbs that bring remarkable flavour hits:

Can be used to flavour dishes ranging from Italian sauces, to meat and Asian curries. This popular herb is also one of the main ingredients of pesto.

Versatile for sweet or savoury dishes, from
salads to cocktails.

Leafy and slightly bitter, enhances flavours as
a finishing touch. Try flat and curly leaf varieties.

A member of the parsley family, used frequently in Mexican and Middle Eastern cuisine, as well as spicy Thai, Chinese, and Vietnamese dishes.

Complements hearty dishes like pork loin and lemony chicken as it can hold its own flavours.

Recognisable by thin, grass-like leaves, chives make a great garnish or addition to a cream cheese mixture or tangy sour cream-based dip.

Strong light, and infrequent thorough watering will ensure your herb garden thrives.


Some fun ways to display your indoor herb garden are in tea tins, antique tea cups, jars, on a herb ladder, or in hanging plant holders.

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