Ethical, natural fashion: Untouched World

Choosing to wear natural fibres provides a wealth of benefits. They feel good on your skin, breathe, and keep your body in perfect balance…not to mention you’re doing the planet a big favour.

We all know single use plastic is an issue, but there’s a bigger plastic problem that’s not so easy to see.

“When washed, synthetic clothes shed tiny plastic strands that travel through wastewater systems, ending up in soil, rivers, and oceans. Over a third of microplastics in the ocean originate from textiles, what’s more, microplastics are like tiny little sponges, one hundred times finer than a human hair. They absorb toxic chemicals which can end up in our bodies via food, water, soil and air,” says Fiona Bretherton of Untouched World.

Finding sustainably sourced and ethically made natural clothing can be a challenge, but Untouched World has you covered.

Their new Autumn/Winter Collection has just arrived in-store, offering a beautiful selection of natural winter knitwear for men and women. Complemented with sustainable shirting options and plant-based pants, skirts and dresses, Untouched World makes building a stylish wardrobe that’s easy on the earth effortless. Their timeless pieces are made to last, and cleverly designed so you can do more with less.

Shop their new collection in-store and online.

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