Elegance with Edge: Repertoire
With its first store opening in 2006, Repertoire has now grown to eight stores throughout New Zealand. In Christchurch, we’re very fortunate to have two boutiques, one in the BNZ Centre and one in The Colombo.
Co-owner, Meghan Maher, says its business concept, right from the beginning, has been to ensure its stores are customer service driven.
“Customers are warmly welcomed by our trained stylists. Our staff are real women who really care. There’s so much love in our stores!”
Meghan expands on the point of difference in the brand. “We offer complimentary sessions in which a woman is given head-to-toe styling in a safe and cocooned environment; it’s a tranquil space in which they can try on as many garments as needed to find the look that’s perfect for them.”
Repertoire releases two New Zealand made collections in-store and online every month. “Every single time a customer visits our store, there will be a new collection on the racks since the last time they visited,” Meghan says. Meghan says the core philosophy is to inspire and support women with clothing that gives the wearer everyday self-confidence. “Our garments are elegantly relaxed but with an edge. When customers walk down the street, heads will turn. Our clothes have the ‘wow’ element!”
Another key component to its garments is their ability to transcend from daywear into evening wear. “Our dresses, for instance, can be worn with sneakers or flats by day, but add a pair of heels, a pretty purse and earrings, and it suddenly becomes a dress to take to the races, or any ‘after five’ gathering.” Meghan says the clothes are very current and they follow global trends, but not slavishly. “We look at what’s happening overseas, but we consider the New Zealand climate and the New Zealand customer.”
For those with wanderlust, the capsule range is ideal for travel, as they fold into nothing and are extremely crease-resistant.
Education, communication and connection is hugely important to Repertoire. “Social media is a fantastic tool in that we can share, update and guide our customers through the whole process of feeling confident about every beautiful, unique garment hanging in their wardrobe,” Meghan says. “We want women to reconnect with their wardrobes.”
At two locations: The Colombo, phone
03 366 1200, The BNZ Centre, phone
03 281 8434 or visit www.repertoire.co.nz.