Dr Libby says…

Dr Libby is returning to Christchurch in October with her latest tour, Bouncing Back: ways to feel better when you don’t know how. We sat down with her to get her two cents on energy and why it’s such a big issue for so many people.

What drives a lack of energy?

Most people tend to think that it’s what happens in their day that exhausts them, and this can be true. Yet, a lack of energy can be a signal from our body that something needs to change. It could be an indication of low iron status, a lack of muscle mass, the consequence of sitting for too many hours a day or even something as simple as dehydration or not leaving enough space in the day for the things that bring you joy.

Could a lack of energy ever be a symptom of something more serious and, if so, what should you do?

Too many people chalk a lack of energy up to getting old or an overly full schedule, yet there are plenty of 60+ year olds and highly busy people who have an abundance of energy, so it’s not true that these things are inherently energy draining. Low energy or persistent fatigue is your body trying to communicate with you – offering you feedback. The symptoms themselves don’t have a voice to let us know what they want us to do. It is up to us to decipher them. Having yearly blood tests with your GP can help to rule out more serious conditions that might be involved in poor energy, such as hypothyroidism. It’s also good to consider that when we do tasks out of duty it depletes us, whereas when we do things from a place of genuine care, it energises us.

What are your go-to quick energy fixes?

Energy tends to be one of those aspects of our wellbeing that takes time to rebuild once it has been depleted so it won’t always respond to ‘fast fixes’. That said, it really depends on what is driving the energy slump. If it’s a tendency towards sedentariness, going for a gentle 15min walk can be helpful – include some hills or stairs for a little resistance muscle building. Restorative practices like meditation, breathwork or even a quick nap if it’s possible can help if the energy drain is from always being on the go – although we quite often resist resting when we are busy bees. And of course, amping up your nourishment with loads of leafy greens – a greens powder or a green smoothie can be an effective pick me up.

See Dr Libby Live in Christchurch, Thursday 26 October at
St Margaret’s College. Tickets selling fast from www.drlibby.com.

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