Does concussion stop the brain cleansing?: Gill Redden Cranio
A clean brain that is well fed and nourished is a healthy brain that fights off dementia and other cognitive disorders.
Concussions occur as the result of a traumatic blow to the head. This causes the brain and supporting membranes to bounce, twist and get damaged inside the skull.
Developments in the longer-term effects of concussion have featured in the news recently, as new brain research illustrates just how long-term and wide-ranging effects can be. After one of the largest ever investigations into the link between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and cognitive decline in later life, Danish and US researchers concluded that the younger a person was when sustaining a head injury, the higher the risk of developing a form of dementia.
The study looked at the health records of 2.8 million people over 36 years and found that individuals who sustained a TBI in their 20s were 63 percent more likely to develop dementia in the next three decades than someone who did not sustain one.
Gill Redden, of Gill Redden Cranio, specialises in actually treating concussion symptoms rather than monitoring and forming plans, effectively treating patients sometimes months or years after the initial injury. “It is better, however, if people seek treatment immediately after their head or tailbone trauma, certainly not waiting 6 weeks to see if they ‘come right.’” says Gill, “Some of their cranial bones will definitely be jammed up!”
Using CranioSacral therapy, Gill provides a post-concussion treatment programme that helps nurture the bones, membranes, organs, tissue, nerves and blood vessels back to free movement, helping enable people to be pain and dysfunction-free. Spinal fluid can’t move freely if bones and membranes are jammed up. This fluid feeds and also detoxifies the brain. It is critical that the spinal fluid is flowing and CranioSacral therapy supports to ensure it is.
Gill also works directly with the brain scars that form when a trauma occurs. Some troublesome symptoms are not actually concussion, and can be relatively simple to treat through freeing jammed or twisted bones and membranes which in turn enables the brain to heal more easily.
Gill’s comprehensive concussion-focused website allows people to gain a better understanding of concussion and its consequences, provides a concise description of what CranioSacral therapy is and is validated by testimonials of clients sharing their experiences of recovery and a pain and drug-free life. https://www.gillreddencranio.co.nz/