Business Canterbury Chief Executive Leeann Watson: Business workshop

As organisations across Canterbury face an extended period of change, we want to ensure that we are providing our business community with the tools and knowledge to not just survive but look at growth opportunities through these challenging times.

Today’s leaders are called upon to wear multiple hats – caring for their own and others’ wellbeing, creating sustainable business practices, remaining realistic and optimistic about the future, and being agile enough to jump on opportunities as they arise.

It’s a tall order. To help—we have put together a Navigating Business Change programme, a first for Business Canterbury, and made possible through the generous support of our Strategic Partners Westpac, the University of Canterbury, Enable, Orion, and 2degrees.

Leeann Watson, Business Canterbury Chief Executive

The half-day workshop on September 19 brings together world-renowned experts Dr Lucy Hone and Dr Denise Quinlan, who both specialise in helping organisations face challenge and change  right across the world. It is tailored for those of you who are genuinely seeking ways to navigate change. Whether you’re a managing director wrestling with strategic decisions, an HR professional shaping organisational culture, or running a small business looking for practical, no-budget tools to prevent staff burnout—you will get stacks of value from attending.

Spaces are limited, and thanks to our strategic partners, the investment to attend the workshop has been subsidised. You can find out more about the programme or book using this link:

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