Built for all climates: Ultimate Homes

Christchurch has extremes in climate – icy cold in winter and long hot summers. Living in a home that remains at a constant healthy temperature range all year round in every room of the house really makes sense.

Christchurch builder Martin Smith became disillusioned with building to the current building code standard, “it is too low for a climate like Christchurch has.”

He discovered eHaus – a revolutionary method of building that is performance based, and was successful in taking on the eHaus Christchurch Licence. “The science behind every eHaus built on PassivHaus principles is impressive. Once you see the results it’s pretty hard to ignore,” says Martin.

“The key is the computer energy modelling done at the preliminary design stage. This takes into account the local climate conditions, the site and orientation of the house, and the specific design of the house including window sizes and positions. This gives you the confidence to know your home is going to perform before a single stake is put in the ground,” says Martin. “Fresh filtered air is circulated through the whole house, and you save up to 90 percent of the heating costs of a standard house. This performance is locked in for the life of the house simply by the way it’s designed and built.”

Contact Martin today to talk about building your home the eHaus way, 027 227 4423.


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