Boost your facial collagen & elastin: Skin Rejuvenation Clinic

Ageing can cause our face shape to change, as the bone, muscle and fat lose density while the skin becomes thinner and weaker because of collagen loss.

Fat may no longer be evenly distributed and may shift downward, so that certain features like the cheeks lose volume while the lower part of the face may look fuller and heavier.

EMFACE™ is the new in-clinic treatment to be offered by Skin Rejuvenation Clinic and it is a game changer. EMFACE™ is the only device able to strengthen the facial “lifting” muscles, cosmetic medicine specialist Dr Brigid Lee says.

It does this by using HIFES (high-intensity facial electromagnetic stimulation) which strengthens the muscles and ligaments and combines it with radiofrequency to boost collagen and elastin. The best part is it is painless, needle free and has no downtime.

Backed by clinical studies across 15 global research centres, EMFACE™ causes a 30% increase in muscle tone, 37% reduction in wrinkles, 26% increase in collagen, and 23% more lift. It does all of this with no needles, no pain, no bruising and no swelling. The treatments are only four, 20-minute treatments at least 5-7 days apart and the optimal results roll in at the 6-12 week mark after the final treatment.

EMFACE™ is safe for any body type, BMI, skin type, and skin tone. There is no right age to start treatments with EMFACE™, but patients who are healthy, well-hydrated, and at a stable weight tend to enjoy the best results.

Call the Skin Rejuvenation Clinic today to find out more.

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