Bee’s-knees in replacement ops: STRIDE Orthopaedics

While receiving a confirmation date for hip and knee operations brings relief to those needing surgery, inevitably it also raises concerns as to the recuperation process.

Six to eight weeks may sound like the ideal enforced holiday, but juggling work and family responsibilities for that long can be stressful.

Incredibly, there is an alternative form of orthopaedic surgery, that is not only less invasive and shorter on recovery time (think two weeks rather than two months), it can be accessed right here in Christchurch.

STRIDE Orthopaedics provides an exemplary patient care that begins from point of consultation right through to its follow-up post-surgery feedback. STRIDE is an acronym that stands for specialist, team-based, respectful, innovative, dedicated and empathetic.

The practice is headed by Dr Ramez Ailabouni and nurse practitioner Amelia Howard-Hill. They and their expert team are dedicated to delivering expeditious access to specialist care via the clinic’s patient focused and team-based approach.

Rapid recovery from hip and knee replacement is the primary goal here, and it happens through two life-changing procedures, AMIS direct anterior hip replacements (AMIS Hip DAA), and subvastus kinematic knee replacements.

The AMIS technique is a no muscle cutting and nerve respecting procedure causing less surgical trauma, which is described as less invasive, muscle-sparing hip and knee replacements for a faster post-op recovery.

Dr Ailabouni, who performed the first AMIS Hip DAA in the South Island, has this to say of the procedure. “I believe we can safely provide more patients with an excellent result so that they can enjoy the benefits of a faster recovery and high performing total hip replacement through AMIS Hip DAA.” Apart from a shorter rehabilitation period and speedier return to normal activities, other benefits of this surgery are a shorter hospital stay, a decrease in post-operative pain, and reduced risk of dislocation.

STRIDE orthopaedics also provide services such as an acute clinic for shorter waits for injuries, as well as clinics for paediatric orthopaedic problems and general orthopaedics. While Dr Ailabouni performs many paediatric orthopaedic surgeries, he has a special focus on the hip, with a particular interest in developmental hip dysplasia, Perthes disease, and SUFE/SCFE (Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis).

General orthopaedics here covers everything from rotator cuff repairs, bunion operations, and keyhole knee surgery to tendon or ligament repair or reconstruction, and removal of metalware, should it be required.

Contact the friendly team at STRIDE Orthopaedics to booka consultation.

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