Bee a host
Our precious pollinators are facing a homelessness crisis, having lost much of their natural habitat due to urban development, change of land use, and intensive farming.
You can help by putting a bee hotel in your garden. Good bee hotels mimic the natural cavities that solitary bees would use, such as holes in wood or hollow plant stems.
The bees you will attract to your bee hotel may include wool carder bees, leaf-cutter bees, and white-faced bees.
Top tips
– Make sure the hotel has a roof to keep rain and other weather elements out of the holes.
– Position your bee hotel in a sunny area at least one metre from the ground, and securely hang it from a wall or fence.
– Keep the bee hotel dry to prevent mould.
– Plant bee-friendly plants underneath the hotel.
– Clean your bee hotel once per year in spring after all of the eggs have hatched.
Did you know?
Bees have been around for more than 30 millions years.