A blooming marvellous place: Kiwiflora Nurseries
Before Christmas, you may want to spruce up your outdoor living space, so stand back and identify plants that need replacing, before heading off to your favourite garden centre.
We’re in a wonderful season, bursting with vibrant flowering varieties, making it easy to fill a gap or refresh a tired perennial border. A trip to Kiwiflora Nurseries, in Templeton, will help sort all your garden problems.
Managing director Nalin Gooneratne enjoys seeing the surprise on people’s faces when they discover his extensive plant range. “We have stock to suit cosy backyards as well
as expansive acreages.”
The 8.5 hectare nursery features a well-organised selection of natives, exotics, perennials, fruit trees, shrubs, hedging, and shelter belt trees from large 45 litre easy lift bags to 2.5 litre container grades. “We take pride in helping customers find the right plant,” Nalin says. “All our staff have a passion for plants; each one has their own expertise, and they provide the best advice to customers.”
With convenient access from the Southern Motorway and both Springs and Shands Roads, a trip to Kiwiflora Nurseries will tick all your planting requirements. Online shopping and a delivery service are available, and Kiwiflora freight plants nationwide, on specialist green goods carriers. They’re open Monday to Friday 8am-4.30pm, and Saturday 9am-1pm.