A balanced focus: Anstice Optometrists

Genetics, individual characteristics, and environment all play a role in the development of myopia (short sightedness) over time.

Myopia is where the eyeball is too long or too powerful, resulting in blurred far vision, with close objects clear within a certain range.
Your optometrist will identify key risk indicators for the need to slow down the progression of myopia through management options.
Slowing down myopia prevents the higher risks of eye disease such as glaucoma, retinal detachment, and cataracts, later in life. An annual vision consult is recommended to keep track of any changes that may occur.

Taking a holistic approach to balancing screen time with physical activities is recommended by Iris Xu at Anstice Optometrists. Living, working, and studying in a world of screens for most activities is never going to go away says Iris, so encouraging more social and physical activity away from screens balances the close visual strain our eyes endure daily.

Check out the website www.mykidsvision.org for information and resources about controlling myopia, and for a myopia risk assessment tool.


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