Trouble sleeping? Connect Chiropractic

When we get into bed, the most common reasons people find it difficult to nod off is that they’re either still wired, or they’re uncomfortable.

The first reason mentioned is more to do with an overactive sympathetic nervous system, of which we’ve covered in a previous article, so in this piece we are going to deal with where this discomfort comes from, says Dr Matthew Wild, of Connect Chiropractic.

“The more common pain we feel in bed is a chronic ache rather than acute pain. It could be in the shoulders and into the arms, could be in the lower back and into the legs, it could be a headache,” he explains. “That pain is neurological in nature. If the pain was more from damage or irritation like a disc issue, then commonly you can get relief from lying flat on your back on the bed.”

So why is it aching? “The ache is an alarm; it’s the brain letting you know that something needs to be addressed. What does it want you to do? IT WANTS YOU TO MOVE,” he says. “In response to prolonged stress, a sedentary lifestyle, bad posture, and very physical work environments, our body tightens up by recruiting muscles, and stiffens up as our body orders our joints to ‘lockdown’. As you can imagine, if you are already tight and stiff, the last thing your body wants is for you to lie down, IT WANTS YOU TO MOVE,” he reiterates.

“After a big day of work or activity, we are often very sedentary in the evening, and then we go to bed. That can be quite a long period with very little movement. Hence there’s no wonder why our brain gives us discomfort to encourage us to make a change.”

Matthew says this is why chiropractic can play such an important role in reducing our discomfort in the evening. “When a chiropractor makes an ‘adjustment’ they are working to restore normal function and movement of the spine. There’s far less reason for the brain to give you an ache in bed at night if everything is moving and functioning the way it should. “This is why one of the most common reported ‘side effects’ of chiropractic care is improved sleep.

The other reason for improved sleep is chiropractic’s effect on nervous system regulation, as discussed in our July article. “If you’re not sleeping well, having difficulty getting to sleep or are generally uncomfortable in the evening, a chiropractor’s office is a great place to start.”

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