Explore the colour jungle with Stephanie Rumble

Fashion has been a permanent fixture in Stephanie Rumble’s life for as long as she can remember. She talks to Metropol Editor Lynda Papesch about image, fashion, and making a difference.

For years, Christchurch image consultant Stephanie was known for her flaming locks, a reflection of her “BrightRed” business name. These days, her hair is her natural glossy brown, although the company name remains the same, as does her goal of improving people’s worlds by helping to enrich their lives.

“The word [Bright] is about ‘brightening up’ people’s worlds psychosocially, physically, and emotionally through their connection to their image,” she explains.

“I always wanted a brand identity rather than my business name being all about me.”

Interestingly, yellow is her personal favourite colour. “Red just feels strong and engaging, hence the brand choice. Colour invokes emotion and I wanted people to connect to the emotion of red and hopefully look further.”

Going back to the beginning, she studied clothing at university, won the best dressed title at a race meeting in 2006, and then completed a certificate in personal styling. Education and upskilling remain an important part of her life, all dedicated to fashion, health and wellness. “My post graduate qualification (Masters) was in Chemical Protective clothing. I backed that up with a certificate in Occupational Health and another in Adult teaching and learning, hence my educational work,” she says.

Certificates in personal training (in 1998 and again in 2019) followed, equipping Stephanie with the requisite qualifications to also work  in the fitness industry.

Not one to let her grey cells remain idle for long, she is currently studying to be a conflict management and divorce coach, roles she feels sit well with her leadership and conflict de-escalation training.

Her goal – to help people become the best version of themselves through personal styling, coaching, and health and wellness education; a personal determination that started more than two decades ago. In her words, she helps people discover who they are, and what they like through scientific colour analysis, plus their acceptance and understanding of their body shape and what they feel good in.

Part of that comes with helping to plan and organise a fun, purposeful wardrobe that works for all aspects of their lives, ending with a personal shopping expedition. Equally important to Stephanie is her work in health, wellness and leadership education space, and as an expert in Workplace Conflict de-escalation. She created a special training course for the latter, under the guidance of the Government Health and Safety Lead in 2020, and has delivered it to many organisations since then. Alongside this, she also customises and writes training programmes for all types of organisations and project rollouts.

The list goes on for this busy business entrepreneur. As an accountability coach, Stephanie works with people who are not in a good health or wellbeing space with their bodies, gently guiding them back to a place where they feel good about who they are.

“This is intensive and personalised one-on-one  coaching where we work to build lifelong habits that serve you and allow you to stay healthy and well,” she explains, adding that she only works with one or two people at a time as this is very niche and personalised. “My aim is to help others have a better life, whether it is through their image, wellness, health, or having a happy, safe workplace.”

On a personal level, Stephanie loves to run. Part of the DGRS running club, she aims for running 12 half marathons a year. “As my children have all left home now, my husband and I are discovering travel again which is so exciting. I also love to read and devour books all the time, and have this year started a book club.” Spending time with family and friends is something she holds dear, injecting excitement and optimistism into the future.


1. Learning to love yourself is a journey and the first step towards self-acceptance and a life where style becomes instinctive.
2. Understanding who you are and what is best for your colouring and shape makes choosing clothes exciting and easy.
3. Give yourself permission to invest in yourself whether it is your clothes or other aspects of your personal appearance.

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