Editor’s Note: Appreciate the who, not the where

Welcome to another enthralling wedding issue, and my second in nine months as deputy editor. It’s even more opportunity to discover the people behind our local wedding industry, one that seems to grow each season.

Metropol Deputy Editor, Nina Tucker

Thanks to our wonderful community, you will find so many beautiful visuals from weddings, near and far. Our covers make a lovely contrast. On the front, Glenorchy is a scenic backdrop for the nuptials of Kimberley Crossman and Tom Walsh, while local fashion leader Mary Outram, on our internal wedding feature cover, eloped to Hvar, Croatia.

What this means to me is that weddings will be beautiful wherever they are, and it is the smiles on faces and memories shared that truly matter. It is truly special when local couples share their most memorable days with us, and even more special when we get to share it with you, our readers.

I hope that within these pages you can reminisce about your own wedding, feel the jitters and excitement of one soon approaching, or gain inspiration for when that time arrives. For now, I’ll too live through the beautiful stories and visuals of this issue, while spring blooms all around.

I’m loving the change in season, and the uplift it unconsciously captures within us. Life is delicious, but it moves fast, so make sure you give yourself time to smell the flowers.

In the name of a The Devil Wears Prada sequel in production, that’s all.

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