Te Pae sets the standard

Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre has put the city firmly on the international stage for conferences, functions, trade shows, and all manner of occasions.

Ross Steele, Te Pae Christchurch General Manager says international business is coming in regularly now, with many of the regeneration project’s initial goals coming to fruition.

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“Since opening more than two years ago, the reputation of Te Pae for delivering  top quality experiences continues to grow,” he says.

The flow-on effect of events hosted at Te Pae is already making positive economic ripples in the city and surrounding areas. Thirty percent of its convention business is international, and with each visitor comes money from wining and dining, sight-seeing, and accommodation boosting the local economy, predominently during the winter months.

On the other side, Te Pae Christchurch uses 200 local food, beverage, and service suppliers, which also results in money trickling down into the economy. More than 85% of the food served at events within the convention centre is sourced from Canterbury-based businesses, showcasing the rich culinary offerings, and talent in the area. “By supporting local suppliers, we deliver both an exceptional dining experience, and contribute to the growth and sustainability of the Canterbury business ecosystem.”

Ross adds that prior to the centre’s opening, accounting firm Ernst & Young suggested Te Pae would add $60 million to the local economy in its first two years. “We believe we are well on target to achieve that.” Cantabrians should be justifiably proud of Te Pae, Ross says. “It’s as good as any convention centre  n the world, recognised by the awards it has received.” Looking to the future, Ross says Te Pae will continue to focus on the international market, and to cater for national and local demand. He likens winning an international convention as akin to winning the hosting rights for the Olympics. “We may be working up to eight years to secure an event, yet it is worth it to add to Christchurch’s reputation as a top-tier destination for events of all kinds.”

Features include:

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1400-seat tiered auditorium, divisible into two 700-seat venues

2800m2 of exhibition space, expandable to 3300m2

960-seat banquet space overlooking Ōtākaro Avon River

1600 largest banquet seating

28,000m highly flexible, adaptable design.

The team is constantly looking for ways to refresh and improve its service and offerings, Ross says. One recent example is its new functions menus. Chefs work with local suppliers to give visitors a  unique culinary taste of Christchurch.

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“We mix global expertise and world class standards with

local experience to bring the very best in regional cuisine to your table. Sourcing our produce from local farmers and ingredients from artisan producers, we can design a menu that will allow delegates and guests to taste the very best Canterbury and New Zealand has to offer,” he says.  “Working to ISO food safety standards, our expert catering team can meet a full range of dietary requirements. We can also create bespoke menus to meet the specific requirements of your event or special catering options designed to impress your guests – whatever the style, size or budget of your event. 



  • Celebrated 2 busy years of events in May 2024
  • Held over 500 events since opening (approx 30 international conferences, 20 exhibitions, 135 banquets, 5 live performances)
  • Attracted over 212,000 attendees to events since opening
  • Partnered with 220+ local suppliers in the last 12 months
  • Won 4 awards in 2023
  • Believed to be the first convention centre in the world to achieve net carbonzero status

Contact the Te Pae team today to start planning your best event yet.



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