Wholefood warrior: Dux Group

Restauranteur and entrepreneur Richard Sinke is the ideal advocate for the diet he has espoused for practically his entire life – the Mediterranean diet.

Three words that aptly describe his physical persona would be energy, vigour and vitality. For the founder of Dux Group, Richard’s career kicked off in an organic garden in Woolston, which he ran with mates from university.

“We were looking for a way to move that produce and decided to open a restaurant.” Dux de Lux was opened in 1978, and Richard and friends bought it in 1980. Shortly after, with help from his parents, Richard bought the others out as they wanted to go on to different ventures. “The motivation behind it was my interest in a healthier lifestyle; fortunately, it was a time when many forward-thinking people began wanting that lifestyle change as well.”

The earthquakes ended the original restaurant’s grand history, but Richard’s determination to bring live entertainment back to audiences saw Dux Live open in 2011 with a four-year lease.
Dux Dine followed in 2012, and Dux Central opened in 2015. “Dux Central returned us to the heart of the city, in an historic location that people loved pre-quakes.


“I wanted to emulate what the original Dux de Lux stood for—a unique vibe, a boutique brew bar, exceptional food, and quality live entertainment.”


While Dux Central includes meat on its menu and offers a gastro pub feel, Richard’s passion for the Mediterranean diet remains strong through Dux Dine. “Seafood is part of my life, and the wholefood Mediterranean type of cuisine is what Dux Dine is all about. The evidence just keeps growing on how it nourishes your gut, brain, and body.”

Richard lets us into his own personal favourite in-house main and dessert. “The Crusted Fish with any one of our amazing salads, followed by the Lime Tart, made by our French chef. Totally sublime.”


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