Dealing to dandruff: Hairmantra

Dandruff may not be a life-threatening condition, but it can cause embarrassment to those who have it.

The most common types of dandruff are the dry and flaky, or the sticky and malodourous. Both can be difficult to treat, so it is advisable to not delay in seeking help.

Dr Padmaja Redekar of Hairmantra, Hair and Scalp Clinic, says dandruff occurs for many reasons.

“It can be infrequent hair washing, not applying hair oil when needed, the use of chemical-based hair products, overuse of heat stylers, (which dry the scalp), not drinking enough water, nutritional deficiency, and chronic illness.”

Pityriasis amiantacea is another distressing hair condition that causes thick, scaly dandruff to wrap around the hair shaft.

“Attempting to remove these sticky flakes can cause the hair to come out as well, which can lead to further scalp infection.”
Dr Padmaja recommends a first consultation (three to four months before winter’s drastic weather begins) in which a thorough case history is taken, followed by a deep microscopic analysis to achieve the correct diagnosis.

Alongside the required treatments, corrected scalp hygiene and nutrition advice helps support healthy hair and scalp growth, as does recommended external products and regular check-ups.

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