Editor’s Perspective: Roll on 2023

For some of us the festive holiday season is a distant memory as we kick back into work and wonder what the year will bring.

Lynda Papesch, Metropol Editor

We’re still waiting for that dry, hot summer that was forecast, days at the beach cooling off, and making the most of the outdoors. Don’t worry, summer is far from over, and if history is anything to go by, some of our hottest days will come during the autumn months.

So where to from here?
My advice is to embrace every opportunity that presents, at home, at work, at play, and also in business.

A positive outlook is an incredibly powerful asset to have. Positive thoughts breeds positive results, and the benefits of a positive attitude include success, happiness, health, and believing you can overcome any obstacle.

Positive thinking doesn’t mean that you ignore facts or logic, or force yourself to have only positive emotions. That’s completely unrealistic.

What it does mean is that you approach negative news or stressful situations with a positive outlook. You’re able to look beyond the crisis or setback rather than being consumed by it, and are able to move forward.

Behaviour can be changed to adopt a more positive mindset, although it takes a real effort and often persistence. Negative thought patterns can be changed with mindfulness and self-compassion, so why not make 2023 your year to embrace the power of positive thinking.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the impact on your physical and mental health.

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