Build your brand

Whether you’re a new business or have been around for a while, having an easily identifiable, relevant brand is key for marketing and business success.

Having a brand that doesn’t reflect who you are can hinder you from getting new customers through the door.

Recently I worked with a new client who felt like their brand didn’t reflect them, or position them to speak to their ideal customer.

I looked at their existing brand and their online presence and found this to be true. Their existing brand had a name that didn’t accurately reflect their service, the logo/colours didn’t represent how they wanted to be seen, and their website didn’t immediately tell their audience what they offered their clients.

We swiftly worked with them to discover the essence of their business, how they are positioned in the market, and what makes them different. We then used key branding principles to generate a new brand that they are very happy with.

On average, it takes seven interactions with your brand for someone to remember it. For example, if you’re using social media and posting twice a week, make sure you consistently post twice weekly.

Maintaining a strong brand alongside a consistent strategy is also a key for your success.

If you feel like you’re not reaching your ideal audience, or simply need a brand refresh, have a chat to me.

Michael Jenkins


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